Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Setting the Record Straight

August 18, 2015
Setting the Record Straight

In an effort to clarify some points that have been erroneously set forth by my opponent and his staff, please take a minute to read the below:

ü I served the citizens of Louisa County as a decorated member of the Sheriff's Department for 12 years. Although I have maintained a copy of my personnel file since leaving the Sheriff's office, I will not sign a waiver granting any party permission to review my file warehoused at the Louisa Co. Sheriff’s Office.

ü I have never been in favor of a centralized motor pool for full-time members of the Louisa County Sheriff's office.

ü I am in favor of centralizing the specialized resources of our Sheriff's office in the form of ATV's, watercraft and other special use vehicles under the supervision of a custodian and not stored at individuals' homes around the County or other areas that do not allow for universal access of these resources.

ü As Sheriff, my first priority will be for our Sheriff's Department to become fully accredited by the Virginia Law EnforcementProfessional Standards Commission.  Regardless of the size of other Sheriffs' Departments, Louisa County is fully capable of achieving this goal and without additional excessive cost to the tax payers.  Although the current Sheriff committed to have the accreditation process completed by the end of 2007, and while many resources have been spent, the Louisa Sheriff's Department is still not accredited.  I will correct this as Sheriff.

I am committed to talking with the voters about my vision for our Sheriff's Department. We need to use 21st Century techniques in order to address the 21st Century needs of law enforcement in our community. We will be innovative in providing public safety services to our citizens while maintaining good stewardship over your hard-earned tax dollars. Instead of campaigning on his record, the current administration is distorting the facts about my campaign and my previous service to our county. Our citizens deserve better!

To learn the true facts of my campaign, please visit my website

I ask for your support and your vote on November 3rd.


Mike J. Silberman

Candidate for Sheriff of Louisa County